Huwebes, Agosto 28, 2014

Strengths and Limitations of Computers

Strengths and Limitations of Computers

·  CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER• Computer technology offers fast, effective access to worldwide information and is therefore an important educational method with rapidly expanding universal appeal. While the cost of hardware is restrictive for many, most educational institutions, and many workplaces and public information centres, now have computer facilities. If your target group has access to computer technology you may consider using this method.• The Internet is a worldwide communications and information network linking millions of computers around the globe. It provides access to online information services through documents and databases and, through electronic mail (e-mail), allows Internet users to communicate with other e- mail users in a most cost- and time-efficient manner. The Internet is one of the words largest and fastest growing computer networks.• CD-ROMs are laser discs that allow enormous amounts and variety of information to be stored and retrieved including text, photographs, drawings, film, video and audio material. Their use as an educational tool is rapidly expanding in schools, universities and industry.
·  STRENGTHS OF INTERNAL COMPUTER PACKAGES• can be interesting and fun• cater for individual learning• are interactive• take a discovery-based approach.
·  Weakness of internal computer packages• many people have limited access• systems breakdowns• it can be expensive to develop CD-ROMs• hardware is expensive.
·  Strengths of television and computer?• Strength is that they can commute information to everyone efficiently and effectively. It also can be a form of entertainment or education to everyone.
·  WEAKNESS OF TELEVISION AND COMPUTER• Weakness is that people misusing the concept to commute bad and misleading information to everyone. Too easily accesible by anyone at any age at anytime of the day.
·  Strengths of Electronic Surveys• Cost-savings: It is less expensive to send questionnaires online than to pay for postage or for interviewers.• Ease of Editing/Analysis: It is easier to make changes to questionnaire, and to copy and sort data.• Faster Transmission Time: Questionnaires can be delivered to recipients in seconds, rather than in days as with traditional mail.• Easy Use of Preletters: You may send invitations and receive responses in a very short time and thus receive participation level estimates.
·  STRENGTHS• Higher Response Rate: Research shows that response rates on private networks are higher with electronic surveys than with paper surveys or interviews.• More Candid Responses: Research shows that respondents may answer more honestly with electronic surveys than with paper surveys or interviews.• Potentially Quicker Response Time with Wider Magnitude of Coverage: Due to the speed of online networks, participants can answer in minutes or hours, and coverage can be global.
·  WEAKNESS OF ELECTRONIC SURVEYS• Sample Demographic Limitations: Population and sample limited to those with access to computer and online network.• Lower Levels of Confidentiality: Due to the open nature of most online networks, it is difficult to guarantee anonymity and confidentiality.• Layout and Presentation issues: Constructing the format of a computer questionnaire can be more difficult the first few times, due to a researchers lack of experien
·  WEAKNESS• Additional Orientation/Instructions: More instruction and orientation to the computer online systems may be necessary for respondents to complete the questionnaire.• Potential Technical Problems with Hardware and Software: As most of us (perhaps all of us) know all too well, computers have a much greater likelihood of "glitches" than oral or written forms of communication.• Response Rate: Even though research shows that e-mail response rates are higher, Opermann (1995) warns that most of these studies found response rates higher only during the first few days; thereafter, the rates were not significantly higher.
·  STRENGTHS OF COMPUTER• SPEED:-Computers are much faster as compared to humans beings . A computer can perform a task in a minute that may take days if performed manually . A modern computer can execute millions of instructions in one second .• High storage capacity :-computers can store a large amount of information in a very small space . A CDROM of 4.7 inch diameter can store all the 33 volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica and will still have room to store more information.
·  STRENGTHS OF COMPUTER• Accuracy:- Computer can perform all the calculations and comparisons accurately provided the hardware does not malfunction. • Reliability:- computer are immune to tiredness and Boredom or fatigue. Thus they are more reliable than human beings. • Versatility:-computers can perform repetitive jobs efficiently they can solve labour problem or do hazardous jobs in enviornment
·  WEAKNESS OF COMPUTER• Lack of decision making power :-computer cannot decide on their own. They do not possess power which is a great asset of human being.• IQ zero:- computers are dumb machines with zero IQ. They need to be told each and every step.Source:

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