Biyernes, Agosto 29, 2014

Web Services

Web Services

Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. It is a software function provided at a network address over the web with the servicealways on as in the concept of utility computing. The W3C defines a Web service generally as:
a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.[1]
[a web service] has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards.[1]
Most web services do not adopt this complex architecture.[citation needed] This article describes it in more detail.
The W3C also states:
We can identify two major classes of Web services:
  • REST-compliant Web services, in which the primary purpose of the service is to manipulate XML representations of Web resources using a uniform set ofstateless operations; and
  • Arbitrary Web services, in which the service may expose an arbitrary set of operations.[2]
Automated tools can aid in the creation of a web service. For services using WSDL, it is possible to either automatically generate WSDL for existing classes (a bottom-up model) or to generate a class skeleton given existing WSDL (a top-down model).
  • A developer using a bottom-up model writes implementing classes first (in some programming language), and then uses a WSDL generating tool to expose methods from these classes as a web service. This is simpler to develop but may be harder to maintain if the original classes are subject to frequent change.[4]
  • A developer using a top-down model writes the WSDL document first and then uses a code generating tool to produce the class skeleton, to be completed as necessary. This model is generally considered more difficult but can produce cleaner designs and is generally more resistant to change. As long as the message formats between sender and receiver do not change, changes in the sender and receiver themselves do not affect the web service. The technique is also referred to ascontract first since the WSDL (or contract between sender and receiver) is the starting point.[5]

Web services that use markup languages[edit]

There are a number of web services that use markup languages:


Critics of non-RESTful web services often complain that they are too complex[6] and based upon large software vendors or integrators, rather than typical open sourceimplementations.
There are also concerns about performance due to web services' use of XML as a message format and SOAP/HTTP in enveloping and transporting.[7]

Regression Testing of Web service[edit]

Functional and non-functional web service testing is done with the help of WSDL parsing and regression testing is performed by identifying the changes made thereafter. Web service regression testing needs can be categorized in three different ways, namely, changes in WSDL, changes in code, and selective re-testing of web service operations. To capture the above, three intermediate forms of WSDL, namely, Difference WSDL (DWSDL), Unit WSDL (UWSDL), and Reduced WSDL (RWSDL), respectively can be used. These intermediate forms are then combined to form Combined WSDL (CWSDL) which is further used for regression testing of the web service. This will help in Automatic Web Service Change Management (AWSCM), by performing the selection of the relevant test cases to construct a reduced test suite from the old test suite. [8] Source: wikipedia

Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biological cell.[1] A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.[2]
Its subfields can be divided into a variety of theoretical and practical disciplines. Some fields, such as computational complexity theory (which explores the fundamental properties of Computational and intractable problems), are highly abstract, while fields such as computer graphics emphasize real-world visual applications. Still other fields focus on the challenges in implementing computation. For example, programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation, whilst the study of computer programming itself investigates various aspects of the use of programming language and complex systemsHuman-computer interaction considers the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans.Source: Wikipedia

Microsoft Word


Bibliography is the grouping of "citations" for example this picture:
It is like a table of contents Bibliography Style
From: Wikipedia
Bibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study ofbooks as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology[1] (from Greek -λογία-logia). Carter and Barker (2010) describe bibliography as a twofold scholarly discipline—the organized listing of books (enumerative bibliography) and the systematic description of books as physical objects (descriptive bibliography).

Text Based Navigation Vs. GUI

Text Based Navigation Vs. GUI

Benefits of text-based software[edit]

Text-based applications typically run faster than software involving graphics does. Text-based applications run faster because the machine does not expend resources on processing the graphics, which generally requires more system resources than text does. For the same reason, text-based applications use memory more efficiently.
Command line interfaces often provide the user more control on the software than a graphical user interface, by taking all the details of a command as parameters and/or by redirecting the outputs between commands. Since the available parameters are not explicitly enumerated, the application can accept many more options than an equivalent GUI-based software: a high number of options in a GUI would make it too complex and impractical, but that doesn't happen in a CLI. Thus the text-based input can provide more flexibility at the cost of learnability and a burden on user's memory.
As a result, text-based software can offer more powerful features than graphic-based software, such as combining the command using a pipeline that allows output of the first command to be used as the input of the next command. Using this, a complex operation can be accomplished in a single command line using a sequence of commands connected together in a pipeline.
In certain circumstances, text-based application offers faster user interaction than the graphic-based software does. Assuming that the user is fluent with typing, the user can enter commands faster than when using the graphical interface, because the users do not have to move their hands from the keyboard to enter different commands.

Limitations of text-based software[edit]

Many users may not find an application with a text-based interface very user-friendly. This is especially true for beginning computer users. While the user may learn how to operate the software by simply playing around or navigating through given options, a text-based system usually requires users to have a more detailed understanding of the commands. Many text-based applications have a menu or help system that shows the user some (or all) of the available options of the software.
Text-based software also has limitations on its output as well. Text-based output may not be considered very attractive to many users, and may be difficult to understand (compared to an output involving graphics). Therefore, certain operations cannot be implemented using text-based software, due to its limitation of range in its input and output.In computing, a graphical user interface (GUI,[1] sometimes pronounced "gooey")[2] is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation. GUIs were introduced in reaction to the perceived steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs),[3][4][4] which require commands to be typed on the keyboard.
The actions in a GUI are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements.[5] As well as computers, GUIs can be found in hand-held devices such as MP3 players, portable media players, gaming devices and smaller household, office and industry equipment. The term "GUI" tends not to be applied to other low-resolution types of interfaces with display resolutions, such as video games(where HUD[6] is preferred), or not restricted to flat screens, like volumetric displays[7] because the term is restricted to the scope of two-dimensional display screens able to describe generic information, in the tradition of the computer science research at the PARC (Palo Alto Research Center).Source: Wikipedia

Mail Merge

Mail Merge
Mail merge is a software function describing the production of multiple (and potentially large numbers of) documents from a single template form and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many "recipients" with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the greeting line. Both WordStar (via an ancillary program) and WordPerfect offered this capacity for CP/M and MS-DOS systems. MS Word Mail Merge allows a user to send letters or documents to many people simultaneously; users simply create one document that contains the information that will be the same in each version, and then add placeholders for the information that will be unique to each version.Source:

Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data,[1] often in the context of a business or other enterprise.[2] The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology, including computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce and computer services.[3][a]

Huwebes, Agosto 28, 2014

Strengths and Limitations of Computers

Strengths and Limitations of Computers

·  CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER• Computer technology offers fast, effective access to worldwide information and is therefore an important educational method with rapidly expanding universal appeal. While the cost of hardware is restrictive for many, most educational institutions, and many workplaces and public information centres, now have computer facilities. If your target group has access to computer technology you may consider using this method.• The Internet is a worldwide communications and information network linking millions of computers around the globe. It provides access to online information services through documents and databases and, through electronic mail (e-mail), allows Internet users to communicate with other e- mail users in a most cost- and time-efficient manner. The Internet is one of the words largest and fastest growing computer networks.• CD-ROMs are laser discs that allow enormous amounts and variety of information to be stored and retrieved including text, photographs, drawings, film, video and audio material. Their use as an educational tool is rapidly expanding in schools, universities and industry.
·  STRENGTHS OF INTERNAL COMPUTER PACKAGES• can be interesting and fun• cater for individual learning• are interactive• take a discovery-based approach.
·  Weakness of internal computer packages• many people have limited access• systems breakdowns• it can be expensive to develop CD-ROMs• hardware is expensive.
·  Strengths of television and computer?• Strength is that they can commute information to everyone efficiently and effectively. It also can be a form of entertainment or education to everyone.
·  WEAKNESS OF TELEVISION AND COMPUTER• Weakness is that people misusing the concept to commute bad and misleading information to everyone. Too easily accesible by anyone at any age at anytime of the day.
·  Strengths of Electronic Surveys• Cost-savings: It is less expensive to send questionnaires online than to pay for postage or for interviewers.• Ease of Editing/Analysis: It is easier to make changes to questionnaire, and to copy and sort data.• Faster Transmission Time: Questionnaires can be delivered to recipients in seconds, rather than in days as with traditional mail.• Easy Use of Preletters: You may send invitations and receive responses in a very short time and thus receive participation level estimates.
·  STRENGTHS• Higher Response Rate: Research shows that response rates on private networks are higher with electronic surveys than with paper surveys or interviews.• More Candid Responses: Research shows that respondents may answer more honestly with electronic surveys than with paper surveys or interviews.• Potentially Quicker Response Time with Wider Magnitude of Coverage: Due to the speed of online networks, participants can answer in minutes or hours, and coverage can be global.
·  WEAKNESS OF ELECTRONIC SURVEYS• Sample Demographic Limitations: Population and sample limited to those with access to computer and online network.• Lower Levels of Confidentiality: Due to the open nature of most online networks, it is difficult to guarantee anonymity and confidentiality.• Layout and Presentation issues: Constructing the format of a computer questionnaire can be more difficult the first few times, due to a researchers lack of experien
·  WEAKNESS• Additional Orientation/Instructions: More instruction and orientation to the computer online systems may be necessary for respondents to complete the questionnaire.• Potential Technical Problems with Hardware and Software: As most of us (perhaps all of us) know all too well, computers have a much greater likelihood of "glitches" than oral or written forms of communication.• Response Rate: Even though research shows that e-mail response rates are higher, Opermann (1995) warns that most of these studies found response rates higher only during the first few days; thereafter, the rates were not significantly higher.
·  STRENGTHS OF COMPUTER• SPEED:-Computers are much faster as compared to humans beings . A computer can perform a task in a minute that may take days if performed manually . A modern computer can execute millions of instructions in one second .• High storage capacity :-computers can store a large amount of information in a very small space . A CDROM of 4.7 inch diameter can store all the 33 volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica and will still have room to store more information.
·  STRENGTHS OF COMPUTER• Accuracy:- Computer can perform all the calculations and comparisons accurately provided the hardware does not malfunction. • Reliability:- computer are immune to tiredness and Boredom or fatigue. Thus they are more reliable than human beings. • Versatility:-computers can perform repetitive jobs efficiently they can solve labour problem or do hazardous jobs in enviornment
·  WEAKNESS OF COMPUTER• Lack of decision making power :-computer cannot decide on their own. They do not possess power which is a great asset of human being.• IQ zero:- computers are dumb machines with zero IQ. They need to be told each and every step.Source:

ICT Systems / Software

ICT Systems/ Software 

The operating system is part of the system software.  All computers have an operating system, they cannot function without one. 
The operating system is a program that allows applications software to communicate with the hardware.
Examples of operating systems are Windows Vista, Windows XP, Unix, Linux and MacOS.
An operating system has many tasks. Here are just a few of them:
Sorting out where to store data on disk drives
Dealing with security - user names and passwords
Organising files and folders
Managing data transfer from the CPU to the peripherals e.g. printer, monitor
Deals with saving, deleting, opening, closing files. Source:

Common ICT software:

a. File Organiztion
b. Office Applications
c. Web Services

Information on Communications Technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications[1] and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.[2]
The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives (huge cost savings due to elimination of the telephone network) to merge the telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution and management.

How is ICT used
at home:

1.  makes learning more fun
2.  improves students ICT skills
3.  provides an alternative and interactive way of learning (using multimedia)
4.  supports homework and revision
5.  increases motivation, and facilitates more efficient and improved presentation
6.  connects learning at school with learning at home 

How is ICT used at School:

The effective use of ICT plays a central role in all the key education policies being taken forward by the Department of Education (DE), including the revised curriculum and the revised literacy and numeracy strategy. Ensuring that young people acquire the skills to use ICT effectively, confidently and safely is a key priority for DE. Source:

How is ICT used at work:
It is used for Making Projects,Maps,References and others.It does not end there it goes on we can use E-mail also that is also ICT