Miyerkules, Abril 1, 2015

Com SCI remark

Thank you sir tom for teaching us these lessons now i understand more about the information stage of the world. I know that i'm lazy but your teachings won't be useless or discarded for the world is already advanced your teachings will change forever our lives and other people.

Installing an OS

To install an Operating Sytem:
     First you should have an installer.(it is best if registered)

System Requirements of the OS :
           Word Size of your Platform
           Hard Disk
           Graphics Card

Then you should enter the disk/drive then install the OS to your computer if already have an OS you could still install it but it requires additional memory.

Computer system components

These are computer system components

  • Motherboard (it is called motherboard for all almost all of the components are on the motherboard)
  • Power Box (this is the voltage regulator of the compute)
  • RAM (Main Memory)(Random Access Memory)
  • Processor (CPU)(Central Processing Unit)
  • Hard Disk (Secondary Memory)(magnetic)
  • DVD Drive (Optical Drive)
  • SATA Cables
  • Video Card (required by some games and videos) 
  • Network Card
  • Audio Card
  • Machine Cycle and Networking

    The machine cycle is a basic operation done by the Central Processing Unit, it is also called the processor cycle. It consists of three steps: Fetch. Decode. Execute. For all of this to be done the hardware should be in good condition

    A network is a group of two or more computers connected to each other. Internet meaning a inter connection of network.

    These are some types of NETWORKS:
              LAN - Local Area Network
             MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
             WAN - Wide Area Network
    Also these networks have their own properties although they are transmitted as radio waves.

    Computer Hardware Troubleshooting

    Computer Hardware Troubleshooting

                     - is to diagnose the hardware of the computer if there are problems such as your audio doesn't work because of the wrong software.
                     It is easier said than done if your a beginner if you are a computer Scientist teacher like our teacher it would be easy as reciting ABC but for us it is not that easy but not that very hard for simple problems only.

    Lunes, Marso 16, 2015

    Generation and Classification of Computers

    Generation and Classification of Computers

    Each machine has its own classification from the first to the present and the present is in the 5th.
    The first generation of computers were vacuum tubes it was expensive and slow for it solves problems in milliseconds.
    The second generation were transistors they were smaller and cheaper but still expensive was faster for their solving time was in microseconds
    The third was IC(integrated circuits) was smaller and cheaper than the late generation for its computing time was in nanoseconds.
    The 4th was microprocessors they are the most used today and they are fast for their computing time was in picoseconds  and it's faster.
    The 5th is artificial intelligence it is very fast for the computer to have a mind of its own you require a large amount of memory and money.

    How Software works with Hardware

    The computer has its own data processing cycle for the computer to run smoothly.

    Digitizing is required by the computer to understand the picture or the movie and they convert it to binary code.Also the computer cannot understand what you in the monitor if it does not digitize the picture.

    The machine cycle is the cycle of the computer from the CPU to the input device to the memory or RAM and to the output while it is there it is processing the data by nanoseconds.

    Also networking the connection of computers to a single point and vice versa.

    How Software Works with Hardware

    How Software Works with Hardware

             For the hardware to work it needs a software but the hardware has its own firmware. The hardware needs to have a platform of course there are different kinds of platform. Platform is the combination of the OS and the Processor and they work together to make the computer work. Also applications have their own specified platform for example Microsoft Windows does not work in Mac.  

    Types of software

    Types of Software

                     There are basically 3 types of software it is system, application, and programming which are important.
    System Software:
                    are the types of software required by the hardware to run and also other applications.For example the BIOS of the computer.

    Application Software:
                    are software that makes your work easier like word processors, for movies and music.Examples are Windows Media Player, VLC and etc.

    Miyerkules, Marso 11, 2015

    Hardware Specifications


                   it's the maximum capability of a computer basically it is how fast your computer goes.For example quad core I7 is faster than I5 for the maximum speed of I7 is faster than I5. It is also measured by GHz meaning gigahertz. Hertz is one unit of frequency that is in the SI.



                         is a recording application in excel that doesn't let you to do a task that you use repeatedly.For example you want to capitalize a sentence you just press your designated coordinates for that certain task then boom it will do what you recorded it for.



                  it is a chart the represents data for a period of time it is best used in a chicken's growth per day or weekly.



                       are charts that is circular for it is also the reason that it is also called pie chart.Pie charts are best to be used in representing a percentage of what you do or similar.Example



               This kind of chart represents its data in a vertical form they are useful especially in representing population of countries
    for example:

    If this chart is rotated to 90 degrees it will become a bar chart

    Martes, Marso 10, 2015


    In order to do that first we need to know about the kinds of charts and graphs there is only a few charts in excel but it is easy to memorize these charts for they have their own characteristics and its unique from the others.Here are some pictures

    Lunes, Marso 9, 2015



                    functions and formulas are certain set of rule to derive a problem and in excel it makes you solve mathematical problems using these formulas.The if function is one of the basic it answers the question yes or no  like these =if(a7=6,"awesome","tryagain") the quotaion mark is used to indicate that these are letters not other kind of characters.But that isn't the only formula you could you use for your excel.

    Conditional Formatting

    Conditional Formatting

                                      It often used in excel for to highlight an important cell you need conditional formatting also without conditional formatting it would be very hard to see important information so easily so you could say this makes your work a bit easier

    Data Formatting

    Data Formatting

                                  Hard Disks need data formatting for them to be properly used.Also if your USB(Universal Serial Bus) is full of junk the fastest way is to format its data.Every data saved to your secondary memory is stored as data meaning if that data is important then it can be used by the proper application and if its already junk then it would be just a hindrance for you could store new data if you delete the "pile of junk"

    Data Formatting

    Data Formatting

    It is the organization of files for the computer to process usually for computing in excel.Therefore without data formatting it could take days for a single Grading sheet to be done.

    For example this image if you do it one by one each cell it would be very long.

    Data Types

    Data Types

                                 - are types of files and they require a certain application for them to be used and opened properly or the way you want it to be.This is also how to store files properly.