Sabado, Nobyembre 8, 2014

Presenting Presentations

Presenting Presentations

When presenting a presentation you should keep calm and relax so that you could explain things much more comfortable.You should let the audience read so that they wouldn't be bored just listening to you.;


Embedding Objects

Embedding Objects

Embedding objects requires expertise (but not usually).Embedding objects should collaborate with the text also you can express you're text with objects that is why objects are useful.

Transition and Animation

Transition and Animations

Transitions are like slower version of hovering over something.Transitions are great effects for if you hover over it it changes shape it could be longer or bigger. 

Animations are also good effects they are sometimes required for some presentations

Presentation Design

Presentation Design

Presentation design is needed if you want to present something beautifully but you to consider a large amount of things.They also have good themes which could help us to present things.

Aspect Ratio is needed to be considered so that you would know what looks good on full screen or with a margin the aspect ratio 4:3 has margin on its sides while the aspect ratio 16:9 doesn't have margin but it could be good too.

Social Networking

Social Networking

Social networks are networks that are mostly free.They are sites that you can be socially yourself but observing netiquette also.

Social Networking is being socially active in social networks they can help you connect to people you want to see you also could chat to them


E-mail(Electronic Mail)

E-mail is commonly used world wide it's fast and it's also not complicated to use than mailing with letters.
Also with e-mail you could file attachments if you want to send a document to someone abroad you could just attach it to an e-mail



Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.Also it is used world wide.

If you want to create a blog you should already have google acount or gmail.


 Hypertext Markup Language 

Its a language describing web pages they are used to display document content online they also be used for other purposes other than that they are just simple.

I also learned how to create simple HTML.

These are html tags

TML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded 
by angle brackets like <html>
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and 
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second 
tag is the end tag
The end tag is written like the start tag, with a 
forward slash before the tag name 
 Start and end tags are also called opening tags

and closing tags



Netiquette stands for internet etiquette it is the proper way of behaving online we need it so we don't embarrass ourselves.These are also the rules we need so that we won't disgrace or offend someone.

We also should not post flame bait because it could result to flame wars which is not good online

This is one of the core rules of the netiquette


Biyernes, Nobyembre 7, 2014

Web searches and Evaluating them online

Web searches and Evaluating them online 

Search Engine - a search engine it is an organized engine to search for the things you type on the "search" example: google.
 Using a search engine does require certain things if you want to search about what pigs eat? just simply type pigs foods because less is more for search engines. 

You can also calculate anything example 5632*196=1103872 (i used google for the answer)
Also  the weather example the weather of San Francisco,CA,USA 
Also you have to evaluate them considering  5 things their site, author,audience,content and currency.

Protocols and DNS

Protocols and DNS

Protocols are the first thing I learned in CS1 2nd Quarter it deals with the internet (internet=interconnecting network)the address of computers.

This is the first of the many protocols

IP - means Internet Protocol it is the primary network of the internet.There are 2 kinds the IPv4 and the IPv6

The IPv4 is the older vesion it is composed 4 bytes  which only hve numbers for example they are separated by a decimal
But the IPv6 is composed of 16 bytes it much more complicated than the older example fe83::2cfb:cc9a:298f:fb74%11 

TCP - means Transmission Control Protocol it is a connection-oriented protocol it is used by major internet applications such as WWW (world wide web)

UDP - means User Datagram Protocol is the opposite of TCP 

FTP- means File Transfer Protocol it is a simple protocol just to transfer files over a TCP based network

SMTP - means Simple Mail Transfer Protocol its standard is E-mail across IPs

Domain Name System

Domain - it is a group of computers with a common set of rules 

Subdomain- it is the domain inside a domain